I've always wanted to own a bookshop...
ever since I was a kid in the 90s reading in libraries, staying up late at home and anticipating every Scholastic Book Fair.
It was something I always said I’d do once I retired because that’s what you do, right? You have a thing that you do when you no longer can or want to work for someone else. I imagined a cozy little place that served tea, had a little book club and sold books to people like me who loved escapism and storytelling.
In 2020 during the height of the pandemic, I started taking reading fanfiction REALLY seriously. I had nothing else to do really so reading fanfic was my go-to serotonin boost. Everything I read had one common thread: romance.
From there, once I found out what I enjoyed about the genre, I dove into reading published romance books. The genre is so fun to me and I love all of the stories people come up with and the rollercoaster of emotions authors love to put us through. It slowly became my favorite genre to pick up and one I almost exclusively read now.
In 2022, while having a conversation with my therapist, my bookshop was brought up. She told me that goals like that are kind of stupid (my words, not hers) because it’s something that we tend to push off and push off until we don’t do end up doing it because it keeps becoming a “later goal”. I took that conversation to heart and got to planning on making it happen.
In 2023, I started off as an e-bookshop with pop-ups around Vancouver and in the Fall of that same year I landed a physical location inside of The Lincoln Warehouse Project located in downtown Vancouver, WA. In July of 2024, I moved to a proper storefront in the Heights neighborhood of Vancouver, WA which allowed me to expand my inventory and be more accessible.
In this new space, I was able to expand to do more community centric events like Stitch n' Bitch, Silent Book Club and in-house crafts whenever the spark hit. I have been able to do more author events and host weddings. The Romance Era even was the match to light a mutual aid group that is now called Tanpopo Era Collective where we come together to do what we can for the people in the city we live in.
I knew I wanted the shop to be more than just that and it hasn't stopped.
The Romance Era Bookshop is my love letter to a genre that started with Scholastic Book Fairs and fanfiction and has grown tenfold. It is my way of giving back to people who help others with their words. It's a space meant to feel like a cozy room at your friends house. There are events and opportunities for authors and other small creators to come hang out and use the shop to host events to uplift their work. Since I am not a writer myself, I wanted the space to be more than just making money selling books. I wanted it to foster community.
The Romance Era is an inclusive, sex/body/pleasure positive safe space for people of all types to explore without judgement. Due to the nature of some of the literature, the artwork and more it is suggested that folx under 18 come with an adult.
Come visit and say hello!